Search in game lists


On each page containing a long list of games – on the start page (when you are logged in), on other player's own page, and on the All games page – you can search among the games by typing expressions in the textbox above the game list. This page contains information about what can you type in the search box.



1. Player

1.1. Player by name

1.2. Yourself

1.3. Player by id

2. Type of game

2.1. Chess variant

2.2. Variant groups

2.3. Number of players

2.4. Chess variant categories

2.5. Chess variants by code

3. Other

3.1. Game state

3.2. Player state

3.3. Colours

4. Combining conditions

4.1. "And" operator

4.2. "Or" operator

4.3. "Not" operator

Appendix: name matching rules

1. Player

You can filter the games by the players playing in them.

1.1. Player by name

You can write a name or a name part to search for players. For example:

anne Lists only the games of those players whose name contains the anne part, e.g.: anne91, Anne Smith, Joanne etc.
adam Lists only the games of those players whose name contains the adam part, e.g.: AdamMaster, Adam Brown, Anne Adams, MadAmoeba etc.
anne smith If there is a player like Anne Smith, annesmith, Joanne_Smith etc., then it lists her games. Otherwise it treats anne and smith as two separate names, and lists the common games of e.g. anne91 and Adam Smith.
"Anne Smith" e.g. Anne Smith, Anne_Smith or Joanne_Smith, but not annesmith.
'Anne Smith' e.g. Anne Smith, Anne_Smith or Joanne_Smith, but not annesmith.

For the exact name matching rules (accents, multiword names etc.), see the Appendix.

1.2. Yourself

If you are logged in, you can refer to yourself by an at sign (@):

@ yourself (the logged-in player)
1.3. Player by id

You can also search for players by their identifier number:

#28 the player of id 28

You can find the id of a player by for example visiting the player's own page, and reading the id from the address bar. For example if the address bar contains player.php?id=28, then the player has the id 28.

2. Type of game

You can filter the games also by their type.

2.1. Chess variant

You can search for chess variants by name or name part. For example:

capa Capablanca's Chess
doublem Double-move Chess or Double-move Pawn Chess
cylinder chess Cylinder Chess
"cylinder chess" Cylinder Chess
chess standard Chess

The word chess is special: it refers only to the standard Chess, and not to any other variant like Capablanca's Chess.

If a name can be either a chess variant or a player, then the search will consider both possibility.

For the exact name matching rules (accents, multiword names etc.), see the Appendix.

2.2. Variant groups

You can use special names for certain groups of chess variants.

The following chess variant groups are recognised (you can use any part of these names):

rectanglevariants played on a rectangular board (including square)
hexagonalvariants played on a hexagonal board (see: Hexagonal board)
asymmetrictwo-player variants where the two sides have different initial setup
handicaptwo-player variants where one player is explicitly preferred to equalize players with different skills (see: Handicap variants)
chancellorvariants involving chancellor (see: Chancellor)
archbishopvariants involving archbishop (see: Archbishop)
superqueenvariants involving superqueen (see: Superqueen)
short rookvariants involving short rook (see: Short rook)
nightridervariants involving nightrider (see: Nightrider)
multimovevariants with multiple moves per turn (see: Multimove chess variants)
two-playertwo-player chess variants
three-playerthree-player chess variants (see: Three-player chess variants)
four-playerfour-player chess variants (see: Four-player chess variants)
2.3. Number of players

You can filter the list by the number of players in the games. Although you can use the groups above for this, it is simplier to just write a single number:

2 two-player chess variants
3 three-player chess variants
4 four-player chess variants
2.4. Chess variant categories

You can filter by the categories of the Chess variants page.

Use the [number] format:

[1]Chess variants with different initial positions
[2]Chess variants with different board sizes
[3]Chess variants with fairy chess pieces
[4]Chess variants with modified rules
[5]Chess variants on different lattice boards
[6]Hexagonal chess variants
[7]Chess variants on special boards
[8]Three-player chess variants
[9]Four-player chess variants
2.5. Chess variants by code

You can refer to chess variants not only by their name, but also by their code name, for example if the variant cannot be uniquely identified by its name. Use the [code] format.

For example:

[capablanca] Capablanca's Chess
[chess-960] Chess 960
[chess] Chess

You can find the code name of a chess variant by for example visiting the rules page of the variant (e.g. from the Chess variants page), and reading the code from the address bar. For example if the address bar contains rules.php?v=3capabl, then the variant can by refered to by [3capabl].

3. Other

3.1. Game state

You can filter the games by their actual state or the result.

The following general filters can be used:

~ active (running) game
; finished game
= finished, drawn game
3.2. Player state

You can also filter by the state or the result of a specific player in the game. Write the filter sign immediately after the name of the player.

The following filters can be used (if e.g. adam means the AdamMaster player):

adam~ it's AdamMaster's turn (active game)
adam+ AdamMaster won (finished game)
adam- AdamMaster lost (finished game)
adam= AdamMaster got half point (finished game). This means either draw, or in three-player games the result of the player who is neither the winner nor the loser.

If the name consists of more words, then it must be placed in quotes or parentheses:

"anne smith"~ It's Anne Smith's turn
(anne smith)~ It's Anne Smith's turn

You can also use the other ways of refering to a player:

@+ you won
#28- the player of id 28 lost
3.3. Colours

You can refer to colours by their one-letter abbreviation:


These can be used for searching in two ways: you can give conditions for colours instead of specific players, or you can give a colour-condition for a player. The latter can also be combined with other conditions. For example:

w+ white won (no matter who is white)
b~ it's black's (or blue's) turn (no matter who it is)
anne:w anne91 plays with white
anne:r+ anne91 plays with red and won

Not all colour-letters are unique, for example b means black in two- or three-player games, and blue in four-player games. If you only need one of these meanings, you can filter by the number of players:

anne:b 4 anne91 plays with blue (in four-player games)

4. Combining conditions

You can use logical operations on the conditions: "and", "or", and "not". For example:

adam anne games with both AdamMaster and anne91 (their common games)
adam | anne games with either AdamMaster or anne91 (or both)
!adam games in which does not play AdamMaster

More detailes follow.

4.1. "And" operator

If more conditions are connected by "and", the search lists only those games that satatisfy all conditions at once.

You can do this by simply writing the conditions space-separated. For example:

adam anne common games of AdamMaster and anne91
capa adam anne common Capablanca's Chess games of AdamMaster and anne91
adam 2 two-player games of AdamMaster
adam anne 2 common two-player games of AdamMaster and anne91
adam+ anne- finished games where AdamMaster won and anne91 lost
capa w+ Capablanca's Chess games where white won
~ anne+ Lists nothing, because "the game is active" and "anne91 won" are mutually exclusive conditions.

For "and", not only space, but also comma (,) and ampersand (&) can be used:

adam+ anne- 2 two-player games where AdamMaster won and anne91 lost
adam+, anne-, 2 two-player games where AdamMaster won and anne91 lost
adam+ & anne- & 2 two-player games where AdamMaster won and anne91 lost

The only difference is that when words are separated by spaces, the search first tries to treat them as one name, and only if that fails, then they are treated as separate conditions combined with "and" (see the Appendix). Conditions separated by comma (,) or ampersand (&) are always treated as distinct conditions.

4.2. "Or" operator

You can combine conditions with "or". Then those games are listed which satisfy any of the conditions.

For this, use the vertical bar (|). For example:

adam | anne Lists games with either AdamMaster or anne91 (or both).
3 | 4 Lists three- or four-player games (i.e. anything except two-player games).
adam | capa | chess Lists the games which are either a game of AdamMaster, or its type is Capablanca's Chess or standard Chess
~ | ; Lists all games, because every game is either active or finished.

You can combine the "and" and the "or" operators in one search. They can be grouped by parentheses, otherwise the "and" has higher precedence. For example:

adam chess | capa Lists AdamMaster's standard Chess games, and also any Capablanca's Chess games.
(adam chess) | capa Lists AdamMaster's standard Chess games, and also any Capablanca's Chess games.
adam (chess | capa) Lists AdamMaster's games that are either standard Chess or Capablanca's Chess.
4.3. "Not" operator

You can negate a condition, i.e. change its meaning to the opposite, by preceding it with an exclamation mark (!). For example:

!anne Games in which no player like anne91, Anne Smith etc. plays.
!capa All game types except Capablanca's Chess.
!2 All non-two-player games, i.e. three- or four-player games.
!@ Games without you.
!anne+ Games where the "anne91 won" condition is false, i.e. either the result is something else, or the game is still active, or even anne91 does not play in it.
anne !anne+ Games with anne91, but she is not the winner (either because the result is something else, or the game is still active).
!(adam anne) Games in which does not play both anne91 and AdamMaster. Either anne91 plays and AdamMaster not, or vice versa, or neither of them plays.

Appendix: name matching rules

The following rules apply when you use names in the search (either player names or chess variant names):

If you write two words separated by a space, the search tries to treat them as one name. If that fails, then it treats them as two separate names, and lists the games that satisfy both conditions. For example:

chess master If there is a player like ChessMaster111, then it lists his or her games. Otherwise it treats chess and master as two separate names, and lists the standard Chess games of e.g. AdamMaster.

You can include wildcard characters in names:

For example:

adam*master e.g. AdamMaster, AdamGrandmaster
a?ne e.g. anne91, Adam Warner

You can also write names in quotes. Then the search is more restrictive:

Quoted search however: